Janele & Blaire • Dec 07, 2022


"Speaking your intentions into the physical world is the first step."

Learning to begin to intentionally. manifest is one of the most desired skills and everyone has it. Janele & Blaire share a quick, easy, practical method for getting the energetic ball rolling.

We are always manifesting our reality, but not often aware of it.

We fix breakfast, make a phone call or give someone a hug without a second thought; but creating the best job, a wonderful spouse or financial abundance often feels like it's out of reach. It isn't. 95% of our brain's activities occur in the sub/unconscious. It is only the new tasks, future and past thinking which occur in the truly conscious part of our minds. 

However, when it comes to manifesting, energy is just energy.  The universe does not care if the focus is unconscious or conscious, just merely that it is present. Wherever the energy goes, is where/what manifests.To illustrate this in a personal way consider the following:

Think about a time when you were afraid of some event happening in your life, and you were constantly thinking thoughts which brought your focus to this experience. How long did it take to manifest? Was your answer to that question, "Well, it hasn't happened... YET." If so, that's proof your mind is somehow still on creating this experience for you.

The great news is that just like the universe does not care on which side of your desire your energy is directed. However, there is no line between good/bad, desired/undesired, safe/unsafe in the energetic realm. Just as much as you thought about that negative event occurring, you can also think about the positive outcomes occurring. We simply manifest. We manifest whatever, whenever and however our energies are directed.

If you have manifested anything in your life that doesn't seem to be in line with what your desires are, you must question how your energy has been focused on your outcome. The key is to manifest from a conscious point of view, with intention. How do we do that? Janele shares a quick, easy and applicable way to get the energetic ball rolling in the direction you desire.

A simple and good exercise to get familiar with your own conscious manifestation powers:

From a relaxed meditative state, voice with clarity your intentions for what you would like to manifest.  Speak it! Doing this raises the vibrations of your intentions and will literally start to show you the power within.  You have always had this amazing power, but not realized it.

Mean and say it with conviction and do it, everyday. 

We have been told life is just life so deal with it as best you can.  Nope!  That's not truth, yet we often accept this without question.

We can live in the Love Vibration and change what we do not like.  Yes, you do have the power!

Also, get in touch with the elements of Mother Gaia to renew your energy and clarity of these intentions. Sit with her, breath in the air, listen to the sounds, touch the earth.  She will renew you and support your intentions.

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Janele LOVES this kind of discussion and is looking to connect with others who have insight they want to share too!

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