Who you really are!

Janele • Dec 24, 2022


"This connection in the oneness we have with source - the creator - is in each and every one of us."

Are we victims or masters of our own worlds? Janele discusses the basics of what it means to have true spiritual awakening and the biggest outcome for everyone who gets to experience this bliss.

We are all aware of living a 3D illusionary life but not sure what that means or what else there is.  We know it is temporary and are told different concepts of what comes next.  Many of us have had experiences that have not seemed to "fit" into what we have believed is real or go along with these concepts.    We have been programed since birth of what "reality" is.  When we meet people from other parts of the world and even our own country, there seems to be many differences in their sense of reality and ours, yet deep down there is a connection that one can not explain.  This connection in the oneness we have with source - the creator - in each and every one of us. 

As we grow spiritually, we are able to tap into these experiences that do not fit in to the norm and little by little realize those are a way to open up and feel this divine connection grow. As this happens our vibrations and frequencies elevate and we think of ourselves not as separate but as one with all of creation.  With that "knowing" we are also one with all others and an amazing thing happens. 

We find out who we really are, the source light that shines within us.   We love more, we enjoy more, we inherently know more and can live a more peaceful life.  We stay centered, can observe life instead of getting thrown by it and this higher vibration and frequency radiates out to others. 

Then our understanding of the "reality" we have been living with is just that, a construct of the programing/beliefs we possess. We have been led to believe is 'real,' but it is only as real as our programing allows us to believe.   We can change our programming and change any conclusory 'image of reality' for the better. Knowing this, we then have control over our lives! We discover we are truly free, and all the illusionary images of restriction are fortified by our beliefs.  This is a huge part of what people describe as a spiritual awakening. The beauty of it all, is the more we work on ourselves, the further along we get on our own spiritual path the more we can help others do the same.

It is a beautiful time to experience being human and we are here to help raise the consciousness of all. 

The frequencies of Mother Gaia are rising. If you're looking to find evidence of the higher vibrations, you will find more each time you look.  With the vibration and frequencies getting higher we will be moving out of 3D to the higher dimensions where duality does not exist. 

We live in a vibrational world first, and a physical world secondly. This is where the essence of us truly is, a beautiful entity of the vibration of love light. As the veil of illusion is getting thinner, more and more signs will appear. Open yourselves to the whispers of your higher true self. You will learn very personally who you really are. 

Your energetic self is glorious, and your physical self is a manifestation of your energy body!  Look for evidence and share it with us:)

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Janele LOVES this kind of discussion and is looking to connect with others who have insight they want to share too!

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