What is Reiki?

Different takes

Personal Reiki Upgrades

At the Happy Lyon Center we have multiple Reiki pracitioners who have been formally trained in one or more Reiki styles.  Our practitioners have been trained in Holy Fire® III, Karuna and even upgraded their own Reiki force for personal symbols.

A Reiki practitioner chooses to use a particular Reiki/symbol/energy based on the energies present for the client and particular situation at the time of the appointment. Sometimes practitioners use similar or the same methods across appointments, sometimes not. 

Energy is dynamic and constantly in motion and therefore the use, application of and reception of the Reiki energy is just as dynamic. 

Energy is constantly in motion, so at any given point in time the choice of the practitioner will use what they feel is the best choice in regards to Reiki style/method.  

Everything in the world has Energy. People who work in any healing modality use Energy (Chi, Ki, Qi). However, not all healers use Reiki Energy.

Reiki is described as Love. The practice of Reiki goes back thousands of years into the Japanese culture. As a healing modality it reduces stress and enhances relaxation.

The practice of Reiki offers a practitioner the opportunity to grow and mature within their personality, as well as provides for the health of a client. Since Reiki Energy moves through the practitioner to the client, relief and release of stress are first felt by the practitioner and then by the client.

Whether it is called Love or Reiki, the ancient technique of providing care for a person who hurts, is a gentle, effective way to offer peace to those in need.

Natural, Effective & Gentle

Reiki is a practice which promotes healing by focusing intention, love and guidance to the body of the receiver. Reiki is an intangible energy which is available to everyone, all the time. You've probably used it, even without knowing at some point in youir life. 

What it feels like physically differs for everyone. I tend to feel sensations that are similar to a gentle tickle of a bug crawling on your skin, to a sense of deeper relaxation and letting go. Mostly I personally notice the contrast of having not felt it, and then I feel the change in the space - or visa versa. If you rub your palms together for 30 seconds, and then pull them slightly apart but keep them in a praying position, you will feel the energy more intensely. 

It seems magical, and it kinda is. Another way to think of it: try to  imagine what Jesus was doing when he healed those who came to him. That's the experience of Reiki.  It requires participants to  be in alignment with source energy, and then healing is not only possible, but easy. 

...from the official International Center for Reiki training site

"Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."...

More about Reiki...

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