What kind of people get QHHT?

Blaire Hall • May 27, 2021


"QHHT clients are like sleeping lions, ready to tackle whatever is necessary to reach new heights in their lives."

QHHT clients are some of the most determined souls out there. Determined to get answers that align with something deep inside,. They are determined to reach the life goals set deep within their souls. They are the strongest people in the most quiet & unassuming way. They are sleeping lions.

There are some similarities I have found that most clients of mine who come in for a QHHT session share. Of course not all QHHT clients share these traits, but most of these traits & skills will be present in the client on the day of their session. Sometimes QHHT clients will come in, not believing they have these skills, but through the session, they come to realize they really have already made great strides in inching towards true healing and are already on the path.

They're familiar with internal struggles (man vs. self theme)

QHHT clients usually come to try and find resolution to some internal struggles they have with life situations, relationships and/or health diseases they have developed or maintained over years time. You may think that this is common for everyone, however its different for a QHHT client.

QHHT clients generally are truly focused on finding solutions, learning lessons and trying to grow past their everyday struggles. Its not that other people don't focus on solving such issues, but QHHT clients tend to look at things a little differently. QHHT clients generally have moved past blame, projecting and the overall strife with lack of personal responsibility in life. On the contrary, QHHT clients are generally eager to accept responsibility for the things which have happened in their lives, for most if not all situations. Often they are the opposite, accepting blame that isn't theirs. QHHT clients are usually empathetic on some level.

Even though they have tried many things, and have evolved to take responsibility, they still have similar struggles to everyone else. They are heartbroken by relationships gone sour. They are still sad for things missing, or bad experiences in childhood. They have lost loves, and present joys in life. However, when a client comes for a QHHT session, they are ready to make peace with the difficult situations and find true forgiveness.

They've tried a lot of other things to heal - and are still trying.

Riddled with the struggles in life, QHHT clients often have tried many other methods for healing. Like most everyone else, they have tried the traditional solutions. They've gone to doctors, therapists, tried being patient and even used traditional western medicine. The difference with QHHT clients is that even if they've not had real success with any of these methods they have haven't given up.

QHHT clients are ready to learn whatever it is that they need to, in order to find healing for themselves.

QHHT clients are often (not always) well versed in traditional and alternative methods for healing, by experience alone.

They have learned to identify energies which don't suit them well.

Learning how to identify when someone's actions, energies and feelings not only conflict with yours, but rub you the wrong way is a skill. Not everyone learns how to separate one person's feelings from the others in the room. This isn't always learned regular daily life. This skill requires a well developed sense of empathy AND self awareness.

QHHT clients generally have learned some way of identifying if emotions are theirs, or someone else's who has come into their space. They've learned to see when friends are emotionally manipulating them, and found ways to gently detract the friend from further negativity. They've learned to walk away when they can't redirect the focus. They've learned that mainstream news and media is really feeding on very basic needs and fears and they don't like it.  They have learned to turn the channel, turn off social media or simply walk away from whatever isn't working for them, often without regret.

QHHT clients have learned how to identify, by any method that suits them, how to identify when an energy does not jive with their way of being.

They know, all the world isn't their concern

QHHT clients have evolved to learn that others' actions, even if it is affecting the client's life, is not always worthy of the deep level of concern they have for many things. QHHT clients have learned in life that not everyone is your cup of tea, nor you theirs. They've learned you can love someone, and keep your distance. They've likely quit or significantly reduced interaction with main stream media and anything else that sucks the life out of them.This is very similar to identifying energies that don't align with you, but it is taking it one step further. This is being in total alignment with allowing things to be dropped, when appropriate.

QHHT clients have found allowing that misaligned energy to flow right on out of their lives is more beneficial than harboring depleting emotions that comes with focusing on energies that don't align with them.

They are still processing their emotions, daily.

Generally speaking, QHHT clients know how to experience their emotions with some degree of warmth and compassion for themselves. Its not that they don't get angry, sad or depressed, they do! They have simply learned remaining in those negative emotions is a choice in a way. Often through trial and error they've learned the moment they release their own emotions and allow them to exist without judgement a true sense of undeniable freedom blossoms. Freedom from negative energies which also suck the life from them. Freedom from pressure, judgement, oppression - all inflicted by their own negative self-talk.

They have intimately learned to let go of uncomfortable, depleting emotions. This is not an easy lesson, but QHHT clients have either fully learned this, or they are on their way to learning this so fully it drastically changes their lives for the better.

This quality takes quite a bit of personal work, and even more practice. Understanding it intellectually is a lot different that executing it. Even if QHHT clients are aware of their emotions, and have let the past be in the past, they still very much have the emotions everyday. QHHT clients have learned this is an ongoing lesson in life.

This simply means they allow themselves to be in the emotion for however long they feel they need to be there. They then work to find ways to let it all go instead of harboring resentment, anger, fear, aggression etc. Usually a QHHT session addresses the most stubborn feelings which have been difficult if not impossible for the client to process fully.

They know they are a work-in-progress.

Probably the most important thing I've noticed is that QHHT clients know they are a masterpiece-in-progress. They know they have so much potential for greatness, and they expect they will achieve it. QHHT clients are people who are not giving up. They have significant aspirations and they are ready to learn what is necessary to reach new heights in their lives They own the role they play in their own lives and they are ready to take full responsibility for the impact they have on it. They definitely struggle just like anyone else, but they refuse to give in to the pressures of society (read: mom, dad, church, friends, school etc.), to the bad experiences in their lives (read: X horrible thing happened to me), to the sense of lack (read: I still want X.).

They are looking for fulfillment, and when they get a QHHT session, they find it. It may be a different version of what they want, but its always a version that provides them an opportunity for much needed personal growth.

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