Preventing Stuck Emotions

Justine Phelps • Feb 03, 2024

Release Emotions & Prevent them from Sticking

"Those who practice both of these techniques are trapping fewer emotions in their bodies."

Releasing trapped emotions can help us to feel lighter and more joyful, allowing us a greater opportunity to live our best life.Being present and applying these practices can help you to release emotions as soon as they arrive.

How Emotions Get Trapped

As we all know from experience, there are a broad range of emotions available to us in these human bodies: those that feel good, many that don’t, and some to be avoided at all costs. But as spiritual beings having a human experience, it’s important for our spiritual growth to experience and learn from not only the good feelings, but also the not-so-good feeling ones. It would be harder to appreciate joy if we did not know what it felt like to have sorrow.

As discussed in a previous blog, Emotions Stuck in Our Bodies, when we experience an unpleasant emotion we often neglect to appropriately “process” it.  This can get trapped in our body where it can create an imbalance that can have significant impacts on us in a variety of ways. We can also unknowingly absorb trapped emotions from others, and others can absorb our emotions, including our pets! Releasing these trapped emotions can have significant benefits, such as reduced physical ailments, improved mental outlook, and many more.

Am I stuck with these trapped emotions?

Absolutely not! To get rid of trapped emotions, Emotion Code sessions are extremely valuable but you can do some of this work on your own. Here are 2 techniques that you can master on your own that can significantly help the energies of uncomfortable emotions to flow and protect yourself from trapping emotions which are not actually yours.

Preventing emotions from getting trapped

The key is to recognize when you are feeling a low-vibe emotion, and then to be present enough to stay in the moment. Resist the urge to suppress the emotion no matter how uncomfortable. Once you are there, following the steps below can release the related emotion (energy).

Identify the Cause of the Feeling

It’s always good advice for us to understand what caused a feeling before we decide to take action on it. And we want to be as truthful with ourselves as we can. No-one is reading your mind and judging you for these thoughts, so give this a good think.

Why am I feeling this way? I am feeling this way because…

Determine a Path Forward

Now that we understand what caused the feeling, we can make the decision to stay in this feeling or let it go. Obviously, if the emotion is tied to a significant situation, like the grief of loss, we know we don’t want to continue feeling this way but recognize that we will likely stay in this feeling for a time as part of the grieving or healing process. But when it comes time to let it go, we’ll know. Lastly, it’s important to justify this decision to release the emotion to help cement it in your mind.

Do I want to continue feeling this way? No, I don’t like how this feels. I no longer want to feel this way. I no longer need to feel this way because...

Release with Intention

Making an intention to release the feeling will greatly assist the process of releasing it. Take a deep breath, then make one or both of the statement(s) below as you slowly breathe out.

I choose to release this emotion from my body.

This emotion has been released from my body.

Feel Gratitude

Gratitude has been shown to have very positive effects on the mind and body. Being thankful or grateful puts us into a higher vibrational state (where the good-feeling emotions reside). Now, spend a minute feeling the emotion of gratitude, and say one or more of the following statements:

I am so grateful to be able to free myself of this low vibrational energy

It is gone from my body and I’m so thankful

I am grateful to ……. for love and support in this release process

Feel Love

Love is the highest vibration emotion, and is what makes up our spiritual self. Feeling love brings us closer to who we truly are. If you struggle with feeling love for yourself, bear in mind this truth: you are a beautiful, perfect, immortal spiritual being who is made of love, and even in this human vessel, you are worthy of love and of feeling the best way you can.

Spend a minute actively feeling some love for yourself, and optionally for others who might be involved in the situation. To add focus to this step, you can close your eyes and place a hand over your heart.

I am love

I love my whole being, human and higher self

I love this human body and honor its journey through this incarnation

I love… (allow yourself to free flow about what you love)

That’s it! Easy peasy, right? This may seem like a lot of work, but it quickly becomes second nature, and over time it can be implemented in seconds, not minutes.

Protecting yourself from other people’s emotions

We all have an energy body (our life force) that resides within and around the physical body. This energy can extend beyond our physical body up to 6 feet in all directions, and is also referred to as our aura. Emotional energy is also contained within the aura, and as we come in contact with others (as our aura’s overlap) we can unknowingly absorb their emotions into our body (and vice versa).

A quick and easy way to protect ourselves from both absorbing emotions from others, and sending out our own emotions for others to absorb, is to place a “shield” around our body. It is especially important to place a shield around yourself if you are sensitive to others’ emotions. Be cognizant and diligent about this protection if you will be in a place where there are many people, especially in places like hospitals, where patients and staff may be experiencing difficult emotions.

Visualize the Shield

For those who are able to visualize, picture a spinning platform of energy below your feet. Then visualize a cylinder of energy coming up from the platform and encasing your whole body. There is another spinning platform above your head that seals up the cylinder. You don’t have to make it snug or very large, just a comfortable space surrounding your body. This cylinder is your personal energy shield.

For those who struggle to visualize, have no fear. Make an intentional statement describing the shield. You can also see a visual for this practice in the Elevate, Me. Now! Guided Meditation Video.

I have an energy shield surrounding my body, that entirely encloses my body.

Set goals for the shield

Make any statements that describe how the shield is going to work.

This shield protects me from the emotional energies belonging to others.

Only energy that is for my highest good can enter this shield.

My shield will hold my own emotional energies so they cannot be absorbed by others.

My shield will remain around my body until … (you decide).

Create a reminder

It might be useful to create some kind of reminder to put up your shield that you will see each morning, such as a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, or a piece of jewelry that you’ll wear everyday. If you choose to wear something as a reminder, you can tie the visualization of the shield to that object.

While I am wearing [ this clothing/jewelry ] my shield will remain intact.

With each reminder, you strengthen the protection.

Does this really work?

Many who have received Emotion Code healing over a number of sessions have reported that they are much more present when experiencing emotions they do not want to trap in their bodies, and are able to process the emotions and move on much quicker. As a practitioner, I have seen that clients who practice both of the techniques described above are trapping fewer emotions in their bodies, going forward.

As humans on this planet, we cannot escape unpleasant experiences or emotions. But now we have the tools to help us get past these experiences with much less energetic impact to our bodies, and a chance to live our best lives.

If you think this is a little too complex, here is a short version: skip steps 1 & 2, then take a deep breath and say to yourself “I release this feeling of … ”, say a quick prayer of thanks, and think of a memory that brings to mind a feeling of love.

Have a question?

We’re here to help. Send me a message and I’ll get be in touch.

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