
You have found the hidden page made especially for you! There is something about you and your energy that brought you here. Now that you're here, I invite you to entertain some new ideas for a few minutes. Know that whatever you decide, you have a very special spark and that has been seen by someone who thinks you are amazing!

Remember the old adage, "two heads are better than one?" Learning the truth of this has been instilled it in every cell of my being. I am completely assured that when people join together for a common goal, with their focus in alignment - the group can attain so much more than the individual ever could have alone.

During my years playing volleyball, that meant we ran faster & longer, played harder, got stronger and reached higher goals than we ever could have as individuals. We laughed, loved, cried and we simply lived life to the fullest, together. The best parts of the whole experience were the dynamic relationships I garnered during those years.  My teammates pushed me the farther, supported me in tough times and knew who I really was. They didn't just know me on a superficial level, we connected deeply. I will hold close to my heart the people and experiences from those years for the rest of my life. Even today, anytime any of us needs a reality check, support, or just want to celebrate something - we connect. This experience is like family, but truly better. After my experiences with volleyball, I have never been the same. I'm not saying those experiences were all easy, but the tough ones helped me to clarify my intention and dedication to the sport, to the team and to myself. I am a better person for the experiences I had on those teams. I know that this kind of experience is repeatable, and is more fulfilling each time you do it!  Great teams make all the difference.

  • After laughing for a few hours at Dick's restaurant in Houston, TX.

  • We still meet up and hang out as life allows. 

  • Reunions at MUW occassionally happen. 

  • Local meet ups for those nearby.

  • Team photo for the 1997 MUW Volleyball season program. 

  • Celebrating my wedding in 2023, 24 years after most of us graduated. 


My teammates from my undergraduate days at Mississippi University for Women, then, and a few through the years.

Ergo, when I daydream, manifest and set up my future life - I almost always see myself surrounded by similar experiences. Now, years later I find myself called to be a healer and this lesson still pulls at me. I just know, things can be bigger, better and way more fun if you do them with others!

That being said, I also know that having teammates who pull you down is a real drag to say the least. I get it. I've been on teams where one bad egg changes the dynamic for the whole group. My vision of a workplace and team is one where members are seen as complete, beautiful beings unto themselves - with all their wonderful traits and skills, AND all their flaws. The team we procure at The Happy Lyon Center is a team of mature, loving, compassionate, skilled healers who have the desire and stamina to work with others to achieve common goals. Our members support each other in their individual endeavors, and we reap the benefits of true collaboration.Just as people can be pulled down by lower vibrations, they can just as easily be raised up by higher ones. In this line of work, raising vibrations is our main focus - and we will always strive as a group to raise each other up and to support the team as a whole.

What does this have to do with you?

Someone special thinks you might be a good fit for our group and they gave you this link. I hope they're right and your mind was already spinning at the possibility of such a group. However, let the following words spell things out more precisely.

You already possess amazing skills, professional training and/or personal experience to authentically help others in profound ways. Your authenticity will no doubt continue to produce astounding results.  I'm willing to bet you have thought about expanding your impact, and you know the value it can provide. But, something feels like it's holding you back from the greatness you have within you. You aren't yet as expansive as you feel like you should be. Your impact isn't as great as you know its potential to be. Something is missing from your life and you're searching to find it. That's why you keep reading.

You facilitate healing for those brought into your presence. You make deep connections. You see people's higher selves more than you see their 3D shell. People seek you out. You're going to do this work whether you do it alone, you do it in hiding or you do it out on the biggest platform available. You've decided to start really valuing this work and you see the potential for even more expansion when you're surrounded by others who support you in your efforts.

If this sounds like it fits you, arriving at this page is your next logical step. 

Here is your literal invitation waving at you, asking you to expand yourself in a way that is authentic to you. This letter is a door opening for you to combine your efforts with others and exponentially expand your impact.  Stop dreaming of amazing expansion, and take steps to bring it into your 3D reality!


I invite you to learn more about The Happy Lyon Center team and consider joining. Read this page carefully and the rest of this website to see what our very special team is doing and imagine yourself as part of us. If it lights you up, set up a Contributor Discovery call to discuss what being a part of this group would mean for you. If you decide within 30 days of your appointment that the group is for you, your booking fee can be applied to your membership.  If you're just itching to learn more before the meeting, call, text or email me directly:  blaire at happylyoncenter.com  or  406.282.0333

This group is nothing short of amazing, so if you want to jump on the boat with us, don't hesitate. Register below right now!

Namasté mon ami, namasté.


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