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Our Astrology Study Group is completely social-media free.We wanted to create an environment that is more devoted to raising vibrations than most social media does naturally. Our group is private, and only those who have sought out such content will find our group. The only requirement for joining is that you have a desire to expand your mind, open your heart and remain considerate in your interactions with others (and be 18 years old).

In our classes, you will uncover lessons, content, opportunities to interact directly with other Astrology Study Group members. We have chosen Voxer to expand the ongoing discussions between classes. To be added to our group discussion, or connect with other members privately (with permission of course). Set up your own free Voxer account and message us @happylyon to let us know you've joined and would like to be added to the Astrology Study Group messages.

Although ZERO social media is required to participate, we do also utilize some social media for casual connections. We have a group, Elevate, Me. Now!  on facebook. You're welcome and encouraged to interact, post, comment, share things from that group to help raise the vibration anywhere it goes. We will be posting some content, but not as much as in our own forum. 

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